
  • Would a Queensland Bottle Tree Do Well in Your Garden?

    Tempted to add a Queensland Bottle Tree to your garden? You’re not alone – this one-of-a-kind tree tends to capture the heart of anyone that sees it. While it’s true that this is a highly…

  • Grass Tree: An Ancient Feature Tree

    When you plant a glauca grass tree, you are planting a national treasure. We are happy to share this uniquely Australian plant with you.

  • Growing Trees for Flowers

    There’s nothing quite like the colour and vibrancy that flowers add to a garden. Chances are that you already have a few flowering plants dotted around you. Not only are they attractive to look at,…

  • Can Mango Trees Be Grown Indoors?

    If you’re looking for a new houseplant that’s easy to care for, edible, and exotically unusual, consider a mango tree. Didn’t know that mango trees could be grown indoors? With the right know-how, cultivating a…

  • Slow Gardening: What is it & How Do You Do it?

    You’ve probably heard of the slow food movement – it’s all about enhancing our connection with the food that we eat. Well, slow gardening is an offshoot of that. It’s a mindset that encourages gardeners…

  • 3 Trees That Do Well in Chalky Soil

    Chalky soil can be difficult to work with. Not only is it usually shallow and stony, but it also has poor drainage and an alkaline pH that many plants struggle in. That said, if the…

  • How to Care for Heat-Stressed Trees?

    Summer is quickly approaching, and with experts predicting that the warmer months will soon become hotter and drier than ever, it’s only natural to worry about how all of your garden trees will cope. While…

  • Adjusting Soil pH in Your Garden

    When planting a new tree, it’s always worth paying some attention to the pH of your soil to ensure that this matches up with your new tree’s growing requirements. Some trees, such as the Queensland…

  • 4 Ways to Keep Your Yucca Trees Happy

    Concerned that your yucca trees aren’t thriving in the way that they should? Here are four things that you can do to give your yuccas a boost.   Protect Them From Direct Sunlight Have you…

  • What Happens When You Plant Your Garden Trees Too Close Together?

    When you buy a new garden tree, it’ll often come with spacing guidelines that tell you how far away that tree needs to be from other trees and plants. But what happens if you ignore…

  • Grow Your Own Anti-Viral Fruits

    With the pandemic still causing major issues in many parts of the world, people are increasingly looking into ways in which they can keep their bodies as healthy as possible in order to fight off…

  • 3 Top Tips for Growing a Golden Barrel Cactus

    Also known as the hedgehog cactus, the golden barrel cactus is definitely an intriguing plant. These spiky golden balls add so much texture and colour to a garden, while also being very easy to care…

  • When the Dragon Tree Blooms

    What a fascinating title! When the Dragon Tree Blooms almost sounds like some sort of science fiction or fantasy story. Or maybe one of those sultry romances that take place in the jungle or in…

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