Are You Unintentionally Harming Your Garden Trees?

There’s no denying that many trees are super-resilient. However, just like with any other living thing, trees have their limits – there’s only so much that they can cope with before they start to suffer. While you may be doing all you can think of to nurture your garden trees, it’s worth having a read through this list if you’ve noticed that your trees aren’t thriving in the way that they should be.


Mulching Too Close to the Trunk

Mulch can be a huge game-changer for a tree. Not only does it protect the roots from temperature fluctuations, but it’ll also suppress weeds, retain moisture, improve soil structure, and feed your tree.

However, when laying a mulch, always keep it at least six inches away from the trunk of a tree. Yes, this may mean a few weeds will creep through, but it’ll also prevent you from accidentally causing that trunk to suffocate and rot.


Putting Screws or Nails Into a Tree

Whether you’re trying to hang bird feeders to increase biodiversity or you’re building your kids a treehouse, be aware that inserting screws or nails into a tree doesn’t come without its risks.

For starters, this leaves your tree susceptible to diseases and infections. It can also cause damage to the layer of the tree just underneath the bark. This is how the tree expands its girth, meaning that serious harm to this layer could end up restricting your tree’s growth.


Pruning at the Wrong Time of Year

If your tree’s unruly appearance has been getting to you, it can be tempting to take a pair of loppers to all of those overgrown branches. However, doing this at the wrong time of year can leave a tree vulnerable to damage while stunting growth.

When to prune your tree will depend on the type of tree you’re pruning – some are best done in the spring/summer, while others should be done in the winter. Alternatively, if you hate pruning trees, look for trees that don’t require this, such as the Queensland Bottle Tree or the Dragon Tree.



When planting new trees, it can be tempting to try to squeeze as many as possible into your planting area. After all, the more trees you have, the greater the impact.

However, too many trees too close together will mean that they all end up struggling. They’ll have to compete for food, water, and light, which will leave most of them weak and spindly. To prevent this, make sure that you give each of your trees the recommended amount of space for that species.



When it comes to tree care, it’s easy enough to follow the basics. Make sure that your tree is getting enough water, light, and nutrients, and it’ll do just fine, right? Wrong. While the basics are important to know, you also need to ensure that you aren’t causing accidental damage to your garden trees in any other way. Follow the tips on this list and you’ll be off to a good start!


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